Home How to love yourself

How to love yourself

It is a pity that nowadays people have managed to make their lives easier but not always better and happier. They have forgotten to love themselves and to live for them. Learn to be yourself's best friend and love you for what you are, trying to improve you on what you want if you want.

23 Things You Always Wanted to Know About Meditation

1. What is meditation? Meditation is a balancing technique. Through balance, holistic awareness expands and the many benefits of meditation begin to unfold. 2. Why is meditation important? Meditation is important for many reasons. First, meditation begins...

3 Reasons The Law of Attraction Isn’t Working For You

The New Age concept called “The Law of Attraction” basically states that you attract the energy you put out into the world. Whatever thoughts you repeatedly give your energy to, experiences of that nature...

Misery makes you capable of attracting people’s attention

Osho Misery makes you capable of attracting people's attention. Whenever you are miserable you are attended to, sympathized with, loved. Everybody starts taking care of you. Who wants to hurt a miserable person? Who is...

Top Superfoods To Kickstart Your 2017

  by Kate B. Forsyth: We’ve all heard about them and how great they are for our bodies… Many people are constantly bragging about how a certain superfood has helped them in one way or another....

Lao Tzu’s Four Spiritual Rules Of Living

Lao Tzu, one of the greatest Chinese masters to live many centuries ago, created the Four Cardinal Virtues, or rules of living. When practiced, they can provide a life of true peace and purpose.    Lao Tzu...

Sex, drugs and TV programming

I control your every thought. Your daily routine revolves around me. You can’t wait to get home and see what I have to offer. At night when you are away, you wonder what I...

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To avoid getting sick, you need a robust immune system. Incorporating specific vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in your diet can strengthen your immunity. And...

Sex, drugs and TV programming

I control your every thought. Your daily routine revolves around me. You can’t wait to get home and see what I have to offer....

 1 – 20 on the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People

   1-Dalai Lama Born in Taktser, Tibet/ 6 July 1935 (Cancer/Pig) / Spiritual Leader Born Lhamo Dondrub, Tenzin Gyatso is the 14th Dalai Lama and the spiritual...